Sunday, January 8, 2012

350 days

This is that time of year where people just don't know what to think because the holidays are over. There are 350 days until Christmas 2012, but this is also the beginning of a New Year!

Last year I told myself I would try do a few things in 2011 such as take more risks, write more, read more for pleasure, and to grow as a person. The first two I did successfully I like to think. The third was difficult as I was in school doing an English degree and had to read 19 books in one semester. The third thing is pretty pathetic though when I think about it; not that growing as a person is not a good thing - it is - but because that was a wimpy resolution. There is no chance to be disappointed with this challenge. I knew that I'd grow as a person, I knew that I would discover different things about myself, and I knew that I would change in some way. It's inevitable.

2012 will be different though. I have four goals that I think, hope, and pray are possible!

1. I want to read at least two books a month which, at this rate, should not be difficult.

2. I want to start cooking and baking more, rather than making the classic Becca meals: pasta, toast, sandwiches, and smoothies. Tonight I started this challenge and bought for specific recipes in the upcoming week's meals. Tonight I made Ginger Lemon Chicken Stir Fry. It was delicious, if I do say so myself.

3. I want to "do mornings right". I want to change my morning routine. I want it to consist of three things: Jesus-time, a good breakfast (not peanut butter on toast every single morning), and no messy buns (except maybe on Saturdays). This all means I need to Get. Up. Earlier. Which in turn means DISCIPLINE.

And the most important:

4. I want to think and do things more prayerfully. This is a biggie for me. As someone who loves God with every part of me, I want to make sure that he is a part of every part of my day. Not just before bed when I do my devotions. Not just when I think to pray. I want my days to be full of HIM!

What are your goals for the upcoming year? Are they doable? Are they meaningful? I hope they are both of these and best of luck to you on them.

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