Saturday, October 15, 2011

I Forgot How Big I'm Blessed

It's been a little stretch of time since I posted last. I don't have any really good reasons for this. I got busy? I got distracted? I forgot? Those are some of the common excuses, but none are true for me.

For some reason I feel that in the world of facebook, twitter, blogs, etc. there are several "types".

1. Those whose statuses and comments are always about the negative parts of life, "I feel like my world is caving in", "The world might as well end", blah, blah, blah. These types of online personas are so depressing. Really? Are you only able to share the bad stuff on here?

2. Then there are those who don't take the online world seriously at all and say and do whatever they wish as if the person on the other end of whatever is just a blob with no emotions. When your fingertips touch the keys, you suddenly transform into a robot who has zero filtering capabilities. "I just became an uncle!!".. "No one cares." Ouch.

3. Then there are those who have violent online mood swings. Status #1 yesterday at 4:45am: "I love life. People are lovely. Puppies are awesome. So are kittens.".... Status #2 yesterday at 4:47am: "I hate people. I hate life. Nothing is good anymore!!"

4. Then there are the few who are very normal on facebook, twitter, blogs, etc. For the most part they only inform the online world of their bad days once in a blue moon. And even when they post negative things, it really isn't something so awful that you want to turn off your computer forever and go somewhere happy where people drink tea and read books.

5. Then there are the people who are afraid to expose when they are having a really bad week for fear of pity or to be thought of as one of those constant complainers. Or they worry that they will take on one of these crazy online personas like it's a contagious disease. So instead, they only inform when things are good.

This is me.

I didn't forget to post this week. I wanted to. I was just finding it hard to post something super positive, happy, or fun. I worried that people would judge me for having a bad week. Isn't that ridiculous? What makes me think that I have to have a good day or week all the time? For all you people in the last category, I challenge you to put aside any of your pride and let people know when you are having a rough time. And make sure you don't just tell them online, tell them for real too. I finally did, and I'm very thankful because now I have some loved ones back home praying and thinking of me!

So. In a nutshell, Becca had a bit of a crummy week. BUT, this morning I got up, read a few psalms, and said (I actually said this out loud): "Today is Saturday. I will praise God today. I will read today. I will talk to people I love today. This will be a good day which will lead into a good week. Why? Because God is faithful." Even as I write this, the sun has come out and it has stopped raining.

Here's a little encouraging song. Because, remember, when we feel weak, God is strong for us and will pull us up out of the muck and will renew us. He will somehow even use those things that are driving us absolutely crazy:

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